Why switching to a headless CMS is the right move for your next website upgrade

Why switching to a headless CMS is the right move for your next website upgrade

Converting your site to a headless CMS

A headless content management system (CMS) can give you the required flexibility you need for your business. The system provides adequate flexibility, robust security, and future-proofs your existing CMS.

What is a Headless CMS?

The headless CMS architecture is a recent and innovative CMS that most businesses incorporate for their businesses. It is primarily defined as a subset of decoupled architecture. Additionally, it is a form of content management with storage back ends that deliver content from the database through API or web service. It is imperative to note that the headless CMS does not have a front-end system.

Generally, the headless CMS consists of the following:

• Has a database where digital assets and content are stored

• It contains a back end where the content is created

• An API system that connects the back end to other devices or channel

• Have the capabilities of connecting to various publishing front end, which allows your business to have a front-end technology of your choice.


Difference between Headless CMS and Decoupled CMS

Decoupled architecture prepares content available on the back end, delivers, and presents the formatted content to other channels. This system stores content in the back end and displays it in the front end. The front end and back end are housed separately.

The Decoupled CMS uses API and web services to efficiently deliver content from its raw form to the front-end design.

Headless CMS is a content-only data source that has zero functionality within the CMS to present content to the end-user individually. In headless CMS, the content is created and managed and needs to be called upon by the API to deliver it to systems and applications.

Ideally, the headless CMS is an API-only system that can push the content to all devices and channels with internet access. It can publish content to apps or any device connected through the Internet of Things (IoT).


Why Headless is Important

Site Speed Benefits

The first significant advantage of the headless system is its site speed. Since the system is API-driven, you have the freedom to build your presentation layer and the front-end with ease.

It is imperative to note that decoupling the front-end from the backend will give you a site that performs better. Site speed is an important ranking signal for various search engines. Ideally, according to Google’s June 2021 announcement, if your website has a faster site speed, it will be primarily favored by the Google search engine algorithm.


Security should be a very crucial concern when dealing with various CMS platforms. Remember that multiple sites are targeted by fraudsters who want to access your important information. The fraudsters cannot gain access to your backend with the headless system. Thus you are assured of robust security.

SEO Benefits

The leading SEO advantages of headless CMS are increased site speed, flexible website architecture, and control of your website's technical setup. Thus this system is helpful if you want to improve your SEO efforts and place your business at a competitive edge.

Development Time Benefits

Headless CMS is an API-driven system that allows your developer to build any code and create integrations. Thus it is pretty easy to develop. The system is also future-proof and will enable easy integration with innovations and technology.


The Importance of Testing your Site Using Lighthouse

Lighthouse is defined as an open-source and automated tool that is very useful in improving the quality of your web page. It is helpful in testing and giving various recommendations that will help you improve the security, SEO, performance, and best practices of your website.

The Lighthouse ensures that your website meets all the best practices and recommended SEO standards outlined by Google. This tool is crucial as it helps to identify any issues that may affect the quality of your site and make various recommendations on how to rectify the problems.


Benefits of Using Gatsby

Gatsby is an intelligent open-source front-end framework that allows you to use the front-end tools to develop optimized websites. The framework offers scalability, increased performance, and security. Some of the benefits of using the Gatsby framework include:

• You can combine data from different sources

• Increased speed and responsiveness

• Scalability

• Enables developers to integrate with various third-party platforms

Some of the alternatives of Gatsby that your business should consider include:

• Hugo

• React

• WordPress

• Next.js

• Jekyll


What to Look for in a Development Company that Specializes in Developing Headless CMS

There are multiple companies available in the market developing headless CMS. To ensure that you are dealing with a reputable company, it is imperative to check for factors such as online reviews, company reputation, and experience.


Costs for Converting a Site from a Traditional CMS such as WordPress or Drupal to Headless

Dedicated Hosting & Security headless CMS platform costs an average of $150 per month. But the price is dependent on the features the system will offer to your company. Shifting from the traditional to headless is a cost-effective method that your business should consider. It is imperative to talk with a company that specializes in developing CMS so as you can determine the overall cost of website conversion from traditional to headless CMS.

Converting from an existing WordPress or Drupal site to headless will usually cost around $15,000 - $25,000.


Why using Drupal 9 (or even 8) is a good idea for headless CMS

Drupal is a content management software used to make applications and websites. Drupal 8 or 9 has outstanding features such as reliable performance, robust security, and easy content authoring. The software helps to build structured content and an appealing web experience.

The headless Drupal is quite useful for front-end developers. It allows the designers to control the UI design, UX of the site, and presentation.


Why using WordPress is a Good Idea for Headless CMS

WordPress is an open-source platform that offers your site greater flexibility to create any website. Incorporating WordPress as the headless CMS will allow you to create a front-end of the site application using any form of web technology. It also allows you to manage different content using headless CMS.

Other solutions for headless CMS besides Drupal or WordPress include:

• Joomla

• ExpressionEngine

• Grav

• ProcessWire

• SilverStripe


Some Popular Sites that Use a Headless CMS Solution

Most sites have incorporated the headless platform to ensure their websites can deliver a seamless, streamlined, and non-disruptive experience. Some of the famous sites that have incorporated this platform include:

• Nike

• Overstock

• Venus

• Target

• Pure Formulas

• Feel Unique

• United Airlines

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